Lubricating, protecting, cooling, sealing or cleaning – only when used correctly will lubricants develop their ideal effect. For this reason, besides the development of customer-specific lubricants, ADDINOL also places emphasis on the application consultation of our customers and partners. Experts in different areas are available for this at the company’s site in Leuna in their own department. They possess comprehensive knowledge in the field of tribology and are familiar with the lubrication interrelationships of different production processes. Based on this expertise and the long years of experience, lubricants can be recommended and used in a targeted manner for individual components or entire production lines, even under extreme operating conditions.
At ADDINOL, application consultation goes beyond the product recommendation. With every use of ADDINOL lubricating oils, greases, sprays or pastes comprehensive support is given by experts in Leuna or on site. These also include the change to ADDINOL products, optimisation of the lubricants used with regard to a reduction in types or aid when cleaning components. In addition, products are offered for the fields of servicing and maintenance, which, together with the ADDINOL lubricants, ensure safe and fault-free system operation.